Quiet Sun Bright Points
Magnetic bright points: the smaller end of the Sun´s dynamic magnetic fields
Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
The dynamic appearance of the Sun is caused by magnetic fields. On large scales we observe sunspots producing flares and coronal mass ejections. But the Sun does not only host large scale magnetic fields. No, there is indeed a whole zoo of magnetic fields and features reaching down to single flux tubes not larger in diameter than a few hundreds kilometres. These features are highly dynamic and responsible for physical processes like wave triggering, propagation, and wave guiding to the higher atmosphere. They also increase the total radiation emitted by the Sun and change its spectral composition due to their higher irradiance at smaller wavelengths, which is important for climate research on Earth.
To study the fast dynamics of small-scale magnetic fields one can use magnetic bright points (MBPs), which are the cross-section of strong magnetic flux elements on the visible surface of the Sun. MBPs allow magnetic flux elements to be tracked using intensity rather than polarization measurements.
The movie shows the time evolution of MBPs in different layers of the atmosphere by scanning through the H-alpha spectral line. One can think of the photons detected in the line wing as being emitted from the photosphere while the ones coming from the line centre are created higher up in the chromosphere. These observations demonstrate the close relationship between MBPs (small-scale magnetic fields) and jets (dark chromospheric structures) blowing out and up from them.
To download the movie, click HERE
Movie credit: Tanmoy Samanta and Vasco Henriques (ITA)
Text credit: Dominik Utz (University of Graz, Austria)
Publication: Samanta et al., 2016, Astrophysical Journal, 828, 23
Magnetic bright points in the solar granulation (1/2)
Magnetic bright points in the solar granulation (2/2)
[MOVIE] Magnetic Bright Points. The smaller end of the Sun ́s dynamic magnetic fields