
Workpackage WP09000 and its subworkpackages sWP09100, sWP09200, sWP09300, and sWP09400 are in charge of the building and dome of the telescope.

WP09000, led by UU, coordinates the development of building, dome and pier systems in compliance with general project methodology, providing feedback to the project system engineering WP03000 and managing WP01000. It defines the technical requirements for the building, pier and dome system from the SRD (WP02000). It collaborates (tohether with the project system engineering, WP03000) in the definition of the interfaces between the building, pier and dome and the telescope subsystems. It defines interfaces between the building, pier and dome subsystems. It also contributes to the general project plan and financial budget (building, pier and dome part). 

The different subworkpackages provide periodically information to the sWP09000. Their main tasks are to:

-  define the alternatives of their subsystems in phase I of the conceptual design study,

-  lead the trade-off analysis of design alternatives in phase II,

-  specify the design and lead the analysis corresponding for the selected solution in phase III.